Hello to all our dear patrons:
We have been keeping abreast of the latest news and updates regarding the novel CoVID-19 virus. Since the 1st case being reported in metro Atlanta, we have been taking extra precautions to keep an even cleanlier environment than usual, to ensure everyone’s safety. Even with taking extra precautions, it is beyond our control if the authorities require us to close our doors for a short time.
We have been given notice that we must, in fact, do this. We know how much our services help each and every one of you, and we will reopen as soon as we possibly can, and we’ll keep you abreast of our status via this email format. Our phones will not be answered in person, but you may leave us messages, as we will be able to check these remotely. Currently, we have no estimate as to when we will be permitted to reopen, but we are hopeful that it will be within 2 weeks.
We keep you all in our prayers, and trust that we will successfully weather this storm together.
With all our love and appreciation,
Your Clear Path Wellness Team:
Korey, Leigh, Heidy, and Barbara