How to Optimize Your Immune System

We have compiled several of our best tips along with several tips from some of our esteemed colleagues. For the best results, consider incorporating a combination of these. The more the better!

  • Keep The Gut Clean And Healthy. A great amount of our immunity is rooted in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, keeping the gut clean and health might be the single most powerful way of optimizing the immune system. Having colon hydrotherapy on a regular basis is the foundation. The other tips given below are effective only to the extent that the gastrointestinal tract is kept clean and healthy.
  • Favor Foods That Are Anti-inflammatory, Rich In Antioxidants, And Rich In Nutrients That Promote The Production Of Nitric Oxide. These foods include spinach, kale, parsley, lettuce, arugula, radishes, carrots, beets, pomegranates, watermelon, citrus, cranberries, walnuts, pistachios, seafood, dark chocolate, turmeric, garlic, and cayenne pepper.
  • Favor Colorful Fruits And Vegetables. These foods tend to reduce inflammation and free radical damage and support the immune system.
  • Take High Quality Multivitamins. These should include minerals also. Pay particular attention to the amount of Vitamins C, D, E, B selenium and zinc are especially important. Vitamin C is best obtained from fresh and raw fruits and vegetables because cooking destroys Vitamin C. When whole-food sources of Vitamin C are limited, supplementation can be beneficial. Vitamin D is best obtained from sunlight which stimulates the skin cells to make Vitamin D from cholesterol. However, supplementation can be helpful during stressful times or when access to sunlight.
  • Incorporate Digestive Enzymes. These are key to restoring gut health, and thereby healing the immune system. Australian research confirms that supporting the immune system helps heal inflammation and autoimmune diseases. Instead, these are commonly treated with immune system suppressants that leave the patient with diminished resistance to other diseases. Raw foods, especially pineapple and papaya, are good sources of digestive enzymes. They’re also available as supplements.
  • Prebiotics And Probiotics. Prebiotics contain plant fibers that ferment in the colon helping to increase desirable bacteria in the gut. Meanwhile, Probiotics contain live beneficial bacteria, help restore balance in the microbiome, effectively feeding and strengthening the immune system. The aforementioned Australian research suggests declining levels of friendly bacteria in the gut may actually mark the onset of chronic degenerative diseases.
  • Healthy Fats. Favor good sources of Omega-3 oil, such as flax, chia seeds, hemp seeds and cold-water fish. Avoid partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and avoid overconsumption of saturated fat.
  • Limit Or Avoid Refined Carbohydrates. These include all products made with white sugar and white flour, most notably white bread and pasta.

We hope this information has been helpful and useful. Please call our office if you have any questions. We have these supplements available for purchase. Call or come by the office to purchase what’s best for you.

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