Welcome To Clear Path Wellness Center
Relax. Renew. Refresh.

While many folks are excited to have an extra day off from work, or school, we are reminded of ‘why’ this day is special, and why it warrants a pause from our normal daily activities. Throughout history, brave men and women have answered the Call to stand up for Liberty and Freedom. Whether at home, or abroad, these courageous people were willing to go the distance to help defend total strangers. And some sacrificed their own lives in that process. All gave some. But some gave all. We take a pause today to remember and honor these selfless warriors. In Honor of Memorial Day, we’re offering this special with you! This week ONLY ! (May 31st – June 4th, 2022) We are offering 22% OFF (regular price $45) Ion Cleanse Foot Detox Baths The Ion Cleanse Foot Detox Bath pulls toxins through the pores of your feet, into a tub of warm water, with the assistance of a ‘magnet’ called an array. The water changes colors and textures throughout the 30 min session, signifying the areas of the body that are being detoxed. This therapy has a positive effect on improving sleep, reducing aches, brain fog, improving overall energy and mood. It’s also helpful for those with ADD or ADHD, by improving focus. And the list of benefits goes on…. Appointments are available daily, THIS WEEK ONLY, between 10 AM and 7 PM for this SPECIAL PRICE! You can book online with the link here, or just call ahead! 404-497-9268 We look forward to seeing you soon! Wishing you a pleasant holiday! |

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. ~ Helen Keller ~ Wishing everyone a sweet and loving day with the special 'someone' in your life. Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy New Year! And A Special Thanks To Our Clients!
We appreciate all of our clients and look forward to assisting you on your Health & Wellness journey!

We are grateful for all of our clients, family and friends; and especially for the clients who are like family to us. May you all be with those you love this holiday. And may Peace and Love fill the hearts of everyone with whom we can not be together with this year.
To all of our existing clients, please check your email. We have a special for you to utilize between now and the end of this year (2021).
#grateful #givethanks #blessings #familytime #friendsgiving #togetherness #pumpkinpies
#healthyfoods #warmthoflove
Let Freedom Ring!
On this Memorial Day, we are remembering and honoring all who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our Freedom. #FreedomIsNotFree #HonorTheFallen #MemorialDay #GiveThanks #USMarines #USNavy #USArmy #USAirForce #USCoastGoard #godblesstheusa
Wishing all of the mothers a wonderful day! Thank you for all you do / did for the beautiful Souls you take / took care of. <3
Happy Holidays, From Our Family To Yours! Warm Wishes From all of us at Clear Path Wellness Center, to all of you, we thank you for making us your choice for detoxing. Together we’ve navigated some new territory this year and made some positive changes in the operation of the business, while continuing to deliver exceptional quality services. We appreciate each of you and wish you Health, Joy, and Love, safe travels and being with those who are dear to your heart. We look forward to conquering 2021 together with you! With Love and Gratitude, Your Clear Path Wellness Team |

The Clear Path Wellness Center Team is grateful to have so many wonderful clients who feel more like family to us, than clients. So, we wish our family, friends, and clients a wonderful Independence Day and weekend. Our office will be closed on Saturday, as we take time to celebrate with our loved ones. We will resume our ‘temporary new normal’ office hours on Tuesday, July 7th. We hope you all have a wonderful time with your loved ones; and remember to do all that you know to do to remain Healthy, Happy, and the Beautiful Selves that you already are!
We Are Excited Yet Cautiously Re-Opening

We’re excited to get back to doing what we enjoy the most: assisting our clients with their health goals.
Clear Path Wellness Center takes pride in keeping the Center clean. And now we’ve taken it to a whole new level! In addition to our ‘normal’ cleaning, we now use UV-C lights in each room after each client session to sanitize everything.
To the best of our abilities, with the cooperation of our clients, we are following the Guidelines given by Governor Kemp. To begin, we have adjusted our appointment schedules so that we limit the number of people in any givien area at one time. This also permits extra time to clean and sanitize each room between appointments. Next, we are taking ‘touchless’ forehead temperatures with each client upon arrival. And we are asking each client to wash their hands prior to being taken to the room for their appointment. Each therapist is wearing her own mask and gloves. And if our clients have their own mask and / or gloves, and choose to wear them, that is even better.
For the time being, we have adjusted our days of operation to Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. As the needs warrant, we will add an additional day, until we are once again back to a full schedule. The best way to book your appointment will be online, or thru the Mindbody app. We are still happy to take appointments by phone, but we are only in the office 4 days per week currently, and responding to voicemails may cause a delayed response time.
Together, we are making this the best place for maintaining our health. And we look forward to seeing each and every one of you in the very near future!

Temporary Closing
Hello to all our dear patrons:
We have been keeping abreast of the latest news and updates regarding the novel CoVID-19 virus. Since the 1st case being reported in metro Atlanta, we have been taking extra precautions to keep an even cleanlier environment than usual, to ensure everyone’s safety. Even with taking extra precautions, it is beyond our control if the authorities require us to close our doors for a short time.
We have been given notice that we must, in fact, do this. We know how much our services help each and every one of you, and we will reopen as soon as we possibly can, and we’ll keep you abreast of our status via this email format. Our phones will not be answered in person, but you may leave us messages, as we will be able to check these remotely. Currently, we have no estimate as to when we will be permitted to reopen, but we are hopeful that it will be within 2 weeks.
We keep you all in our prayers, and trust that we will successfully weather this storm together.
With all our love and appreciation,
Your Clear Path Wellness Team:
Korey, Leigh, Heidy, and Barbara

Looking forward to seeing you all again very soon!
How to Optimize Your Immune System
We have compiled several of our best tips along with several tips from some of our esteemed colleagues. For the best results, consider incorporating a combination of these. The more the better!
- Keep The Gut Clean And Healthy. A great amount of our immunity is rooted in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, keeping the gut clean and health might be the single most powerful way of optimizing the immune system. Having colon hydrotherapy on a regular basis is the foundation. The other tips given below are effective only to the extent that the gastrointestinal tract is kept clean and healthy.
- Favor Foods That Are Anti-inflammatory, Rich In Antioxidants, And Rich In Nutrients That Promote The Production Of Nitric Oxide. These foods include spinach, kale, parsley, lettuce, arugula, radishes, carrots, beets, pomegranates, watermelon, citrus, cranberries, walnuts, pistachios, seafood, dark chocolate, turmeric, garlic, and cayenne pepper.
- Favor Colorful Fruits And Vegetables. These foods tend to reduce inflammation and free radical damage and support the immune system.
- Take High Quality Multivitamins. These should include minerals also. Pay particular attention to the amount of Vitamins C, D, E, B selenium and zinc are especially important. Vitamin C is best obtained from fresh and raw fruits and vegetables because cooking destroys Vitamin C. When whole-food sources of Vitamin C are limited, supplementation can be beneficial. Vitamin D is best obtained from sunlight which stimulates the skin cells to make Vitamin D from cholesterol. However, supplementation can be helpful during stressful times or when access to sunlight.
- Incorporate Digestive Enzymes. These are key to restoring gut health, and thereby healing the immune system. Australian research confirms that supporting the immune system helps heal inflammation and autoimmune diseases. Instead, these are commonly treated with immune system suppressants that leave the patient with diminished resistance to other diseases. Raw foods, especially pineapple and papaya, are good sources of digestive enzymes. They’re also available as supplements.
- Prebiotics And Probiotics. Prebiotics contain plant fibers that ferment in the colon helping to increase desirable bacteria in the gut. Meanwhile, Probiotics contain live beneficial bacteria, help restore balance in the microbiome, effectively feeding and strengthening the immune system. The aforementioned Australian research suggests declining levels of friendly bacteria in the gut may actually mark the onset of chronic degenerative diseases.
- Healthy Fats. Favor good sources of Omega-3 oil, such as flax, chia seeds, hemp seeds and cold-water fish. Avoid partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and avoid overconsumption of saturated fat.
- Limit Or Avoid Refined Carbohydrates. These include all products made with white sugar and white flour, most notably white bread and pasta.
We hope this information has been helpful and useful. Please call our office if you have any questions. We have these supplements available for purchase. Call or come by the office to purchase what’s best for you.
Join Us On Thursday, March 12th!!
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – Information Session

With all of the talk about the big ‘C’ Virus, and the flu these days, many people are feeling confused, or feel at a loss of knowing what is the best way to take precautions.
Clear Path Wellness Center will be hosting an information session on Thursday, March 12th from 6 – 7:30 PM. We will be discussing practical ways of keeping our personal environment as germ-free as possible, and ways to build and maintain a strong immune system. We believe that a strong, healthy immune system is our best defense against any virus or bacteria.
We are offering FREE BioPhotonic Scans during this session. The normal value is $20. This scan will provide a baseline indication of how well one’s body will defend itself against germs. It measures antioxidant levels within the hand, at the cellular level, and is non-invasive. The BioPhtonic Scanner is a cutting edge measuring tool that gives a Skin Carotenoid Score.
We will also be offering FREE Scans during the day all week, for those who have just a few minutes to stop in. Monday – Friday, March 9th – 13th, from 11 AM until 5 PM.
We Are Featured in the, “Best of Buckhead…”
If you are looking for natural methods of rejuvenation and renewal for your body, mind, and spirit, Clear Path Wellness Center is where you want to be. Our main focus is detoxification, relaxation, rejuvenation, and stress relief. Our goal is to gently restore the natural functions of the body and to support our clients on their path to wellness.
Our services include:
- Colon Hydrotherapy
- Ion Cleanse Foot Bath
- Far Infrared Sauna
- Bio-Magnet Therapy
- Reflexology
- Nutritional Consulting
- Massage / Spa Services
- Raindrop Therapy
- Ear Candling
- V-Steaming
We tailor each program to fit your individual needs. We will help you to cleanse and detoxify your body, nourish it at the cellular level, and restore and re-balance your inner-body ecology. Let’s release the old, unwanted material in our lives so that we can make room for the new!
We happily serve residents from all areas surrounding Sandy Springs including Dunwoody, Roswell, Alpharetta, Buckhead. Marietta, Kennesaw, Woodstock, Vinings, Smyrna. In fact we serve the entire Metro Atlanta area. We even have clients visit us from farther afield in the State of Georgia as well as from outside of our home state!
Please visit our services page for more information about what we offer.
Like us on Facebook!!
Tell us you “liked” us on Facebook and we’ll thank you with 10.00 off of a full priced Foot Bath or Sauna Session!!
Click here to go to our Facebook page and don’t forget to click on the like button!